Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rock n Roll Rendezvous- Birdwood Car Show

18/04/10 we made ou way down to birdwood in the hills. I wasn't really sure what to expect when i got there all i knew was there was gonna be awesome cars, rock music and lots of people.

Me and Pat drove up in a metalic green 57' Plymouth Belvedere.. left hand drive.. 2 door.. off the rictor.. this hottie flys!!

So we arrived at the venue, parked the cars.. instantly we had people coming up to all three cars, taking pictures.
One particular man asked us to stand behind the green '57 and have a shot together with the rear plate between us that read 'Drive it like you stole it'..
Little did we know at the time that we would be interviewed for Unique Cars magazine.. It was awesome :)

We came across alot of interesting people along the course of the day..

So stay tuned for more picz of the cars, bands and dancing that we were lucky enough to experience on that lovely sunday afternoon :)